Detailed spoilers for Episode 3

WotW Spoiler Town, with extensive House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones Spoilers including major leaks, filming spoilers, photos and all. Consider yourself warned!
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Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:54 am

ghost of winterfell wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:35 am
> It seems to me they are setting up Sansa to be the endgame ruler in the North.

> Jon/ Dany and Jon/ Tyrion is really good.
How does she go from "mine dragonglass to fight an imaginary enemy" to "I believe you" in the very next episode? Do the carvings in the cave convince her or does she generally start having more faith in Jon?

> I am not sure they should have down the rape route with Yara. It is in character for Euron, but it's gonna lead to more bad press for the show. Poor Yara! These KL scenes will be hard to watch.

> Poor Jaime is stuck between the mad queen and the mad pirate lol.

> Is Euron's fleet everywhere? They end up at Casterly Rock too lmao!

> Mel tells Varys he's gonna die soon?!
How are they setting it up?She is just doing what Jon told her to do.But I always thought that was one of the possibilities for her from reading the books.I don't think that's Jon endgame just a stepping stone.I remember in the books the dream he has about not belonging in the crypts.Plus it's too small for him.From what we have learned he will either go big or go home.Either rule everything with or without Dany or you know die saving the world lol.Euron's fleet has an invisibility cloak lol but I assume this time it's more doable.They wait for the unsullied to land and take Casterly Rock and then come and destroy the ships from the back.One of the lads mentioned this.I think mel tells Varys they are both gonna die in Westeros.Who knows when.Honeslty I don't see Varys dying but she will die for sure in season 8.

ghost of winterfell
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Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:44 am

JennyT wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:54 am
ghost of winterfell wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:35 am

How are they setting it up?She is just doing what Jon told her to do.But I always thought that was one of the possibilities for her from reading the books.I don't think that's Jon endgame just a stepping stone.I remember in the books the dream he has about not belonging in the crypts.Plus it's too small for him.From what we have learned he will either go big or go home.Either rule everything with or without Dany or you know die saving the world lol.Euron's fleet has an invisibility cloak lol but I assume this time it's more doable.They wait for the unsullied to land and take Casterly Rock and then come and destroy the ships from the back.One of the lads mentioned this.I think mel tells Varys they are both gonna die in Westeros.Who knows when.Honeslty I don't see Varys dying but she will die for sure in season 8.
Setting it up as in she has been given a ruling arc, she is ruling the north for the remainder of the season and doing a decent job of it, if I remember the leaks correctly. But this is something I have guessed for some time now, so I would not be surprised if it happens.
Yeah I agree, I don't think Jon's endgame is ruling the north either. He will either end up as king on the IT or the royal consort to Dany or dead at the end of it.

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Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:22 am

ghost of winterfell wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:44 am
JennyT wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:54 am
ghost of winterfell wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:35 am

How are they setting it up?She is just doing what Jon told her to do.But I always thought that was one of the possibilities for her from reading the books.I don't think that's Jon endgame just a stepping stone.I remember in the books the dream he has about not belonging in the crypts.Plus it's too small for him.From what we have learned he will either go big or go home.Either rule everything with or without Dany or you know die saving the world lol.Euron's fleet has an invisibility cloak lol but I assume this time it's more doable.They wait for the unsullied to land and take Casterly Rock and then come and destroy the ships from the back.One of the lads mentioned this.I think mel tells Varys they are both gonna die in Westeros.Who knows when.Honeslty I don't see Varys dying but she will die for sure in season 8.
Setting it up as in she has been given a ruling arc, she is ruling the north for the remainder of the season and doing a decent job of it, if I remember the leaks correctly. But this is something I have guessed for some time now, so I would not be surprised if it happens.
Yeah I agree, I don't think Jon's endgame is ruling the north either. He will either end up as king on the IT or the royal consort to Dany or dead at the end of it.
Well as I remember the lords are getting restless and want Jon back but I guess she does fine otherwise.I don't think Jon will be a consort to Dany if they both live.They would rule together ala Ferdinand and Isabel or William and Mary.And before somebody asks no I don't think that is too cliche for GRRM if it is played right lol.

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Flayed Potatoes
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Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:28 am

ghost of winterfell wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:44 am
JennyT wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:54 am
ghost of winterfell wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:35 am

How are they setting it up?She is just doing what Jon told her to do.But I always thought that was one of the possibilities for her from reading the books.I don't think that's Jon endgame just a stepping stone.I remember in the books the dream he has about not belonging in the crypts.Plus it's too small for him.From what we have learned he will either go big or go home.Either rule everything with or without Dany or you know die saving the world lol.Euron's fleet has an invisibility cloak lol but I assume this time it's more doable.They wait for the unsullied to land and take Casterly Rock and then come and destroy the ships from the back.One of the lads mentioned this.I think mel tells Varys they are both gonna die in Westeros.Who knows when.Honeslty I don't see Varys dying but she will die for sure in season 8.
Setting it up as in she has been given a ruling arc, she is ruling the north for the remainder of the season and doing a decent job of it, if I remember the leaks correctly. But this is something I have guessed for some time now, so I would not be surprised if it happens.
Yeah I agree, I don't think Jon's endgame is ruling the north either. He will either end up as king on the IT or the royal consort to Dany or dead at the end of it.
If at the end of the season he is revealed as the rightful heir, it would be weird for him to be just a consort. Either way, I agree that he won't be kitn at the end. His dream in the crypts says as much. He is not a Stark.

I am intrigued by Varys' fate now and I never thought I'd be. I took it for granted that he would just be master of whispers for Dany at the end. Of course, we don't know if Varys dies in season 8 or as an old man. I think the acting and music in the scene might give us some clues. :?:

Euron's fleet is like those space ships in Star Wars that just randomly materialize to cause havoc :lol:

I hope they don't show Yara getting raped :? :(

ghost of winterfell
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Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:44 am

Flayed Potatoes wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:28 am
ghost of winterfell wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:44 am
JennyT wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:54 am

If at the end of the season he is revealed as the rightful heir, it would be weird for him to be just a consort. Either way, I agree that he won't be kitn at the end. His dream in the crypts says as much. He is not a Stark.

I am intrigued by Varys' fate now and I never thought I'd be. I took it for granted that he would just be master of whispers for Dany at the end. Of course, we don't know if Varys dies in season 8 or as an old man. I think the acting and music in the scene might give us some clues. :?:

Euron's fleet is like those space ships in Star Wars that just randomly materialize to cause havoc :lol:

I hope they don't show Yara getting raped :? :(
I think that if Dany survives, she will get the IT. Her quest for the IT has been built up so much so far that there would outrage if she settles for being the wife of the king. Besides, the show would be criticised for the message it sends, with all the focus on feminism, if a woman gives up her ambition, for a man, and end up as his consort (even if he has the better claim). Being a queen by virtue of being the king's wife is also a powerful position, but it's not the same as sitting on the throne in your own right. That's why I think if both of them survive, they will have Jon give up his claim in her favor or something like that. The only other alternative I can think of is that Dany may decide that Westeros isn't her home after all and instead may decide to return to Essos to build an empire for herself, in which case Jon would be the king in Westeros.

I had always expected Varys to survive and end up serving whoever ends up on the IT. So this foretelling of his death is surprising. Of course, it might not necessarily mean anything, it could probably mean that he dies as an old man in Westeros. Yeah we might get a better idea once we watch the scene.

I might be wrong, but I don't think they would dare show the rape.

Euron would put Ser Twenty of House Goodmen to shame....

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Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:40 pm

Sansa could end up as the ruler in the North. But it doesn't exactly sound as if she is doing anything important right now, she and Arya are sneaking around and searching through each other's belonging. It also sounds like she does listen to Littlefinger again, and Littlefinger manipulates Arya. It is Bran who has to tell them that Littlefinger betrayed their father, and that is when he will be executed.

From the books I don't ever see Sansa as a ruler. GRRM makes a big distinction between rulers and players or advisors. All of the Stark children are learning their own craft, Sansa is learning from Littlefinger he is not a ruler he is a player behind the throne. In the books Sansa is learning to be a player behind the throne while also using her femininity to her advantage. Being a player behind the throne is very, very different from being a ruler. GRRM makes a very clear distinctions between the two.

GRRM's first and main qualification for being a ruler is that you have to inspire others, and that ruling is not easy it takes a lot of sacrifices. This is something we very clearly see throughout Jon and Dany's stories. GRRM is training them to become rulers at some point, the whole ADWD was mostly dedicated to Jon and Dany being rulers. So GRRM has spent a lot of time to show us how these two would be as rulers. Their arcs as rulers already started in ASOS, so half of their story has just been about learning how to rule. I am pretty sure GRRM is doing this for a reason.

This is also why for example, someone like Tyrion would never become the King in the end, his story has never been about being a ruler, and other people wouldn't follow him. Sansa is somewhat in the same potion but for different reasons.

In the show they have gone out of their way to show us how cool playing poltics are. In truth playing poltics isn't ruling, it something completely different. I guess they will do whatever they want to do with Sansa at this point, I don't think her show and book stories will end up in the same place.

This could also go in a different direction in the show, if Jon kneels or pledge his support to Dany, then the Northern Lords might just crown her as the Queen. It would be interesting to see what Bran and Arya would do in this situation. But the White Walkers are crossing the Wall at the end of the season, so their new independence would be very short lived.

When Dany said that she didn't feel at home on Dragonstone, it again made me think that she would leave Westeros and continue with her own mission and objectives in Essos, if the White Walker is taken care off.

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Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:18 pm

This will be a great episode, and the dialogue for this episode really feels on point. The back and forth between Jon is Tyrion is great. Euron's fleet sounds ridiculous. I can't say I am looking forward to another Jaime and Cersei sex scene, but it interesting that Cersei Is acting just like the Mad King with his fire obsession, I wonder if Jaime will realize this. The Varys and Melisandre conversation sounds quite interesting. I've always assumed that Littlefinger and Varys would die at some point, in the books I think Varys' mummer's dragon will die and that would be the end of him.

To think about the endgame with some of the things we know about the rest of the season is interesting. The first important issue is that we still know nothing about White Walkers, they are really keeping that for the last season.

I am starting to wonder about the North, they will really be hit first. And it seems like they keep on playing poltical games instead of thinking about the White Walkers. Could the North be lost or become completely uninhabitable for some reason? People have a certain ideology about the North, it could be like the scouring of the Shire. And perhaps Arya will lead a group of people west of Westeros, like Nymeria. This is properly not going to happen.

If Yara is pregnant then I am pretty sure she will die, and Theon will raise that child as the heir to the Iron Islands.

The show is really going out of its way to make Jon the legitimate Targaryen heir. I am really interested to see what the will do this, right now I ve no idea.

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Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:30 pm

Boudica wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:18 pm

if Yara is pregnant then I am pretty sure she will die, and Theon will raise that child as the heir to the Iron Islands.

Gemma Whalen is Pregnant in real life

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Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:42 pm

jorywea wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:30 pm
Boudica wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:18 pm

if Yara is pregnant then I am pretty sure she will die, and Theon will raise that child as the heir to the Iron Islands.

Gemma Whalen is Pregnant in real life
Yup, but not during filming.

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Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:56 am

Flayed Potatoes wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:28 am
ghost of winterfell wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:44 am
JennyT wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:54 am

How are they setting it up?She is just doing what Jon told her to do.But I always thought that was one of the possibilities for her from reading the books.I don't think that's Jon endgame just a stepping stone.I remember in the books the dream he has about not belonging in the crypts.Plus it's too small for him.From what we have learned he will either go big or go home.Either rule everything with or without Dany or you know die saving the world lol.Euron's fleet has an invisibility cloak lol but I assume this time it's more doable.They wait for the unsullied to land and take Casterly Rock and then come and destroy the ships from the back.One of the lads mentioned this.I think mel tells Varys they are both gonna die in Westeros.Who knows when.Honeslty I don't see Varys dying but she will die for sure in season 8.
Setting it up as in she has been given a ruling arc, she is ruling the north for the remainder of the season and doing a decent job of it, if I remember the leaks correctly. But this is something I have guessed for some time now, so I would not be surprised if it happens.
Yeah I agree, I don't think Jon's endgame is ruling the north either. He will either end up as king on the IT or the royal consort to Dany or dead at the end of it.
If at the end of the season he is revealed as the rightful heir, it would be weird for him to be just a consort. Either way, I agree that he won't be kitn at the end. His dream in the crypts says as much. He is not a Stark.

I am intrigued by Varys' fate now and I never thought I'd be. I took it for granted that he would just be master of whispers for Dany at the end. Of course, we don't know if Varys dies in season 8 or as an old man. I think the acting and music in the scene might give us some clues. :?:

Euron's fleet is like those space ships in Star Wars that just randomly materialize to cause havoc :lol:

I hope they don't show Yara getting raped :? :(
Hello Flayed Potato!

I like reading your post and your every reply. Ive read some spoilers in Reddit (friki) about what will happened on the next episode, its about Theon ( am i the only one here who likes his character? ) lol. It says, he's going to tell the iron born lad( the one who saved him) that he TRIED helping Yara to escape from Euron. People will get pissed on him on him, right? Just want to share.

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