NK/Bran Theory

WotW Spoiler Town, with extensive House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones Spoilers including major leaks, filming spoilers, photos and all. Consider yourself warned!
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Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:49 am

Hey y'all ... new to the forum and a bit of a neophyte as to common fan theories/spoilers/leaks. Anyone here who has deeper knowledge care to confirm or dispel the theory that Bran is the Night King? See article linked below - seems plausible, but I did read something on the final episode of S8 on www.thedradonandthewolf.com that seems antithetical, so not sure. Looking forward to feedback....

http://nerdist.com/bran-night-king-game ... es-theory/

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Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:35 pm

I am purely speculating, but maybe Bran is the key, and he might have to die for all of the white walkers and the army of the dead to die. All of the magic in Westeros and Essos seemed to get stronger after he "woke up".

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