Lord Parramandas's Written (and possible video) Reviews - Season 8

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Combat Boots
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Thu May 02, 2019 6:08 am

I found the piano music extremely tedious

Dame of Mercia
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Fri May 03, 2019 7:05 am

I didn't mind the piano music but unto each their own.

Thanks for your review Lord P. I'm glad I wasn't the only person who thought this episode had merit. I've seen a lot of negative things written about it. Now everyone has a right to an opinion but I've said on the main website that although I may "lurk" if I visit this site for the rest of the broadcasting of GoT I probably won't comment - not on the main site anyway. I did say that I appreciated the work the people who run the site have contributed over the years but there's enough negativity in the UK in real life with stuff surrounding the confounded B** word etc so I would rather avoid it (negativity) online.

I was surprised by the end (I didn't see Arya killing the Night King coming) but GoT is supposed to be thus. I think people who criticise women as fighters* haven't heard the stories of Maeve Queen of Connacht or the Amazons. https://celticlife.com/irelands-queen-maeve/ Of course I realise these were mythical people. In my younger days there was a female wrestler, Mitzi Muller, who featured on wrestling programmes on British TV - she was real, though she fought other women not other men.

Anyway, keep your reviews coming Lord P, but of course you must prioritise your real life work and studying.

* I agree that the average man is probably stronger than the average woman - I certainly wouldn't be much good as a boxer or a wrestler.

** Brexit.

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Lord Parramandas
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Fri May 03, 2019 8:19 am

Dame of Mercia wrote:
Fri May 03, 2019 7:05 am
I didn't mind the piano music but unto each their own.

Thanks for your review Lord P. I'm glad I wasn't the only person who thought this episode had merit. I've seen a lot of negative things written about it. Now everyone has a right to an opinion but I've said on the main website that although I may "lurk" if I visit this site for the rest of the broadcasting of GoT I probably won't comment - not on the main site anyway. I did say that I appreciated the work the people who run the site have contributed over the years but there's enough negativity in the UK in real life with stuff surrounding the confounded B** word etc so I would rather avoid it (negativity) online.

I was surprised by the end (I didn't see Arya killing the Night King coming) but GoT is supposed to be thus. I think people who criticise women as fighters* haven't heard the stories of Maeve Queen of Connacht or the Amazons. https://celticlife.com/irelands-queen-maeve/ Of course I realise these were mythical people. In my younger days there was a female wrestler, Mitzi Muller, who featured on wrestling programmes on British TV - she was real, though she fought other women not other men.

Anyway, keep your reviews coming Lord P, but of course you must prioritise your real life work and studying.

* I agree that the average man is probably stronger than the average woman - I certainly wouldn't be much good as a boxer or a wrestler.

** Brexit.
Thank you for your positive feedback! I certainly appreciate it a lot more than that one line from that other person written above. And sadly, I have to agree with you regarding the site... for me, it hasn't been the same since S6 ended. I remember the days before S6 aired... there was so much positivity surroinding it. Any "Debbie Downer" or "Negative Nancy" was immediately talked down. But now, the site itself is plain toxic in my eyes for most of the part, except for the Unsullied thread which I still look forward to read. For me, GoT just can't go below "great". No matter what episodes air, it just can't as I watch every episode with intention of enjoying it and so far, I haven't failed once.

Regarding Arya, it was more the matter of stealth and leap than fighting when it comes to defeating the Night King. It's not like she cut down the army herself. Jaime, Brienne, Jorah etc. were all holding on their own, she was just the one to deliver final piece of the puzzle. SO regarding that, I really have zero issues. Those 8k people who gave this episode 1/10 rating on IMDB... they seriously need to reconsider why they're watching the show in first place. As I said in my review, "And no matter what kind of words I catch about it when I return to civilization, or what I read about it in other tomes written by different world travelers, this tome will forever bear a mark… even long after my time." - it's only my personal enjoyment that matters to me at the end when watching GoT and it reached new heights with this episode.

Again, thank you for taking time to read my review. I'm pleased to know my 6 hours of writing this didn't go in vain.

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Lord Parramandas
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Wed May 15, 2019 1:38 pm

No more reviews from me guys. My time as Lord Parramandas is prematurely over. This site is not what it used to be anymore for me.

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Sun May 19, 2019 2:44 pm

Lord Parramandas wrote:
Wed May 15, 2019 1:38 pm
No more reviews from me guys. My time as Lord Parramandas is prematurely over. This site is not what it used to be anymore for me.
That's sad that you quit just before the end. I came here to check your review.
I was also surprised by so much negative criticism for the last episodes, but don't let that take away your joy. There are still many people who love the show, but happy people tend not to be so loud as unhappy people. I could use some positive reviews after reading so many negative things.
But if you don't come back, enjoy this last episode! And hopefully you keep on writing, maybe not about GOT, but there are still so many other thing you can write about.

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Lord Parramandas
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Sun May 19, 2019 3:15 pm

Chilli wrote:
Sun May 19, 2019 2:44 pm
Lord Parramandas wrote:
Wed May 15, 2019 1:38 pm
No more reviews from me guys. My time as Lord Parramandas is prematurely over. This site is not what it used to be anymore for me.
That's sad that you quit just before the end. I came here to check your review.
I was also surprised by so much negative criticism for the last episodes, but don't let that take away your joy. There are still many people who love the show, but happy people tend not to be so loud as unhappy people. I could use some positive reviews after reading so many negative things.
But if you don't come back, enjoy this last episode! And hopefully you keep on writing, maybe not about GOT, but there are still so many other thing you can write about.
Sorry but when I get lectured for actually loving S8, then I'm done. And that's exactly what people are doing on the site now... the site I used to love due to being possibly the only positive GoT site out there. Just no. I took 6 hours to write my review for "The Long Night!" - 6 hours! I posted the link to it on 4 active threads and I got zero response. I truly asked myself why am I writing them in first place if I'm suddenly deemed an outsider for loving GoT. Me and 13 other admins are running a LOST site on FB and I know that if anyone behaved remotely like several people do on the posts now, they would get banned no question asked. There's healthy criticism (which in my opinion still needs to be in minority compared to enthusiasm and appreciation) and there's toxicity and sadly, what I see these days is mostly the 2nd. Awful, really... the TV shows and movies are made for the purpose of people being entertained by them and I plan to stick to that with whatever I watch or I wouldn't watch it at all. But what happened to WotW this year is beyond sad and awful for me.

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Sun May 19, 2019 3:25 pm

I understand you, I also hated the negativity the last weeks while I was enjoying it so much. Just wanted to reply to show you there are still people liking your reviews. I really hope you keep on writing, maybe no reviews but there are a lot of other things you can write. I like your writing style.

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Tue Oct 15, 2019 7:50 am

I've read your review of Winterfell.
I really like the way you write your reviews. As chilli said, it feels like you're a literature scholar.
And I agree with what you've written. One thing that got my eye was that you found a connection to season 7 that I didn't found. The connection between Arya saying Sansa is the smartest person she know, and Sansa saying in season 7 that Arya is the strongest person she know.

With a busy schedule this week I don't have a lot of time, reading them all in one sitting, and keeping the comment on all the articles. So I will read your second review later today, or tomorrow. But it was a great read :D

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Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:57 am

I've read your second reviews. I like it a lot. You didn't give a recap but more how the characters felt. And connection to past seasons. 2 things I would like to say.
I agree that this episode felt right, and an amazing contrast to the other episodes of the series. No Grimm but lighter and all together. And second. Please no, no giants milk that Jon drank. At least I hope not.

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Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:09 am

And I read your last review. I felt almost the same as you with this episode. Theons death gutted me. The music was perfect. Arya taking down the night king. And mellisandres ending was beautiful done. Her fight is over.

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