End of Thrones.

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Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:09 am

1) What will be your favourite ending of Game of Thrones? It can be anything you want, what would you like to see.

2) What will be your least favourite ending of Game of Thrones? Like really eghhh.

3) And what do you think will be the most likely end of Thrones? What is the most likely end of this saga.

1) Starks in the power position, Targaryens back, one strong ruler on the throne. Possibly Daenerys, with Tyrion as Her Hand. Stark family rebuilding the North with the help of half wolf/half dragon Jon. Davos back to smuggling. Arya and Gendry married, Jaime and Brienne also married.

2) Complete annihilation of humanity and the White Walkers winning it.

3) Death of few main character and those who will survive will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Much like Frodo or Aragorn did in LOTR:
Just a guy full of sarcasm, flaws and himself.


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Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:22 am

I have no clue, but I know that there's no way they'll end it with a massive LOTR styled "good vs bad" battle. The White Walkers won't win, humans won't win, the solution will be something else. The Iron Throne will be destroyed, too. Whether it will be the characters' decision or not, nobody will sit on it by the end of the story.
GRRM said the ending will be bittersweet, so I think it's kinda delusional to actually believe that all the characters will marry, grow old and live happily ever after. It is a comforting thought tho, I want this for my fav characters too, so I can't blame you lol :geek:

The ending will probably be something so unexpected, it's impossible to speculate. I think that by the end of season 7 we'll have some idea, tho

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Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:28 am

1. Dany ruling Elizabeth I style in KL, expands role of common folk (House of Commons like thing), naming an heir of her choice or transitions to abolish monarchy after death. Jon and Starks Living together as a team in WF. Jorah LC of NW (if still necessary). Tyrion gets CR and dies age of 80 etc. Jaime retires to Tarth w/ Brienne / lots of sex and babies. Sam is Grandmaester but Dany does away with the abstinence thing and Sam marries Gilly too.

2. Dany goes mad queen and burns Westeros to the ground, tries to kill all of Ned's kids because they are "Usurpers" and is ultimately killed by Jorah or something and Starks warg her dragons to stop her. Usually these theories also have the WW secretly the good guys.

3. Bran, Arya, Dany, Jorah, Jaime, Brienne and Jon die. But Tyrion is actually Aerys son, so before going to last fight, Queen Daenerys and King Jon recognize and legitimate Tyrion as their heir. After all is said and done, Tyrion king on IT. Sansa as last remaining Stark rules in WF.

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Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:44 am

QueenofThrones wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:28 am
3. Bran, Arya, Dany, Jorah, Jaime, Brienne and Jon die. But Tyrion is actually Aerys son, so before going to last fight, Queen Daenerys and King Jon recognize and legitimate Tyrion as their heir. After all is said and done, Tyrion king on IT. Sansa as last remaining Stark rules in WF.
Pretty bleak ending.

George did wanted original big five to survive but I do think at least 3 of them will make it. One of Dany and Jon will live because they've been getting lessons in ruling and what it means. Arya is George's wife favourite character, she might be angry. Bran could live on as some sort of a internet database, guarding all the knowledge before someone else comes along and he gives him the powers and the knowledge same way Three-eyed raven did before him.

One of Dany and Jon will end up ruling and if they do have a child, that's how their line will continue.
Just a guy full of sarcasm, flaws and himself.


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Wed Jun 28, 2017 1:16 pm

GeraltOfRivia wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:44 am
QueenofThrones wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:28 am
3. Bran, Arya, Dany, Jorah, Jaime, Brienne and Jon die. But Tyrion is actually Aerys son, so before going to last fight, Queen Daenerys and King Jon recognize and legitimate Tyrion as their heir. After all is said and done, Tyrion king on IT. Sansa as last remaining Stark rules in WF.
Pretty bleak ending.

George did wanted original big five to survive but I do think at least 3 of them will make it. One of Dany and Jon will live because they've been getting lessons in ruling and what it means. Arya is George's wife favourite character, she might be angry. Bran could live on as some sort of a internet database, guarding all the knowledge before someone else comes along and he gives him the powers and the knowledge same way Three-eyed raven did before him.

One of Dany and Jon will end up ruling and if they do have a child, that's how their line will continue.
IIRC, George actually said that the big five (now the big 5 + Sansa) will "make it to the end". I don't interpret that to mean they survive, necessarily - I think it means that they are likely to make it to the final conflict of the final book - their fate after the book is up in the air.

My ending it based on a Last Hero kind of thing where they all sacrifice themselves to win. Honestly though I haven't a clue how it will end - I do think a lot of people will die. And I'm almost 100% sure that One of Dany or Jon will die in the final battle, if not both.

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Wed Jun 28, 2017 1:22 pm

As the months roll by, I’m getting more and more cynical. I figure that at some point, GRRM is going to realize that he’s glacially written himself into a corner and just say “screw it!” The last chapter will be a short Wedding Announcement:

Today Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen was wed to Chillywilly, the Night’s King. All six surviving Named Characters were in attendance. Other notable attendees were Frodo and Bilbo Baggins who acted as ring bearers. The Green Man Group provided the floral arrangements. Music was by DJ Dead Hodor. The happy couple danced to Flat Blue Minstrel’s latest song “Ice and Fire”. They will be honeymooning on Pern for several months. The End.

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Mon Jul 03, 2017 9:49 am

QueenofThrones wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:28 am
1. Dany ruling Elizabeth I style in KL, expands role of common folk (House of Commons like thing), naming an heir of her choice or transitions to abolish monarchy after death. Jon and Starks Living together as a team in WF. Jorah LC of NW (if still necessary). Tyrion gets CR and dies age of 80 etc. Jaime retires to Tarth w/ Brienne / lots of sex and babies. Sam is Grandmaester but Dany does away with the abstinence thing and Sam marries Gilly too.

2. Dany goes mad queen and burns Westeros to the ground, tries to kill all of Ned's kids because they are "Usurpers" and is ultimately killed by Jorah or something and Starks warg her dragons to stop her. Usually these theories also have the WW secretly the good guys.

3. Bran, Arya, Dany, Jorah, Jaime, Brienne and Jon die. But Tyrion is actually Aerys son, so before going to last fight, Queen Daenerys and King Jon recognize and legitimate Tyrion as their heir. After all is said and done, Tyrion king on IT. Sansa as last remaining Stark rules in WF.
I'd consider your #3 to be a good ending, but that's just me.

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Mon Jul 03, 2017 5:52 pm

My favorite ending: WW taken out. Dany eaten by her dragons. Jon as overall ruler, Tyrion as his hand (advisor is where he does his best work). Sansa and Tyrion "renew" their marriage. Dorne as it is in the show wiped off the map (I feel differently about the book). Cersei done for but Jaime survives and reunites with Tyrion. Bronn, Davos, Tormund, Edd, Brienne, and Pod live happily ever after. Arya goes back across the Narrow Sea once the Starks are safely within the walls of Winterfell, because, let's face it, she likes the power associated with killing people. Bran chills at Winterfell. Sam returns as Maester at Winterfell with Bran studying under him and vice versa.

My least favorite ending: Dany in power. Can't stand the thought.

What I think will really happen: (by region/house) Kings Landing will no longer exist. Jaime will have to kill Cersei since she goes all Mad King then will commit suicide by combat leaving Tyrion as the only surviving Lannister. Tyrells are done and so is the entire Dorne plot. They were secondary characters anyway. Sansa will be "the Stark in Winterfell". Arya will return to Bravos in some way shape or form. I think Bran dies after revealing his knowledge. Very unfortunately, I think Jon bites it for real once the battles are done and everyone thinks all is well. That would certainly fulfill the bittersweet ending GRRM has alluded to. Jon is the one person who deserves power simply because he does not want it and should rule, but will not. Dany--see above comment about being eaten by a dragon. Just kidding, I think she survives but does not rule overall, goes back to Dragonstone once her dragons are dead. At last but not least, who's in charge of it all??? (Drum roll please)...Tyrion! I say that not only because he rocks but because of a passage in the book version of AGOT when he first meets Jon in the Winterfell courtyard and is going back inside to the feast. Something along the lines of "for a moment Tyrion Lannister stood as tall as a king." I think society will be less monarch-ish. Will he be a perfect leader, no, but he's the best of the ones left.

Oh and Littlefinger survives, cause face it, he's a cockroach and can survive anything.

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Flayed Potatoes
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Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:15 am

rphmom wrote:
Mon Jul 03, 2017 5:52 pm
Something along the lines of "for a moment Tyrion Lannister stood as tall as a king." I think society will be less monarch-ish. Will he be a perfect leader, no, but he's the best of the ones left.
I interpret the "for just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king." line to be more foreshadowing to Jon's kingship or as a clever hint from GRRM of Jon's true origins, rather than Tyrion's fate.

Before that line, Jon is actually standing:
"Standing, he was taller than the dwarf. It made him feel strange."
So later when Tyrion is standing and walking towards the feast he is "for just a moment" as tall as a king. As tall as Jon.

Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if GRRM's favorite character (Tyrion) ends up king tbh :lol:
Last edited by Flayed Potatoes on Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Flayed Potatoes
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Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:17 am

As for the ending, I'm sure it will suck :lol:

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