Detailed spoilers for ep 2

WotW Spoiler Town, with extensive House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones Spoilers including major leaks, filming spoilers, photos and all. Consider yourself warned!
ghost of winterfell
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Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:45 am

So /u/GOTit1111 has leaked scene by scene details of the second episode:

Hey again, So I got a chance to watch the second episode and figured I'd tell everyone in detail scene for scene what happens like I did the first. I'll try and be as thorough as possible and try and answer questions to the best of my ability.

The Episode opens at Dragonstone, big storm brewing lots of rain. Cuts to the Stannis' old war room. We see Dany, Tyrion, Varys, Olenna, Theon, Elleria, Grey Worm, Missandei and Yara. They are discussing the best strategy in winning Kings Landing and the seven kingdoms. Olenna, Elleria and Yara insist on hitting Kings Landing with full force taking it in a day at most. Tyrion and Varys believe it better to win the loyalty of the Lords since Cersei has so many enemies anyways and they dont want her to be known as "The Queen of Ashes". Dany eventually favors Tyrions approach after a convincing speech which recommends the greyjoy fleet goes back to Dorne with the the Sands and to hit Kings Landing with the fleet once an army supplied by Olennas men to take Casterly Rock. The idea here is to not just pillage with massive hordes of unsullied and dothraki because the populace at whole will not welcome Dany as their new ruler so at first they must win the old fashioned way and not allow Dothraki to pillage and rape because it will make her look like another crazy Targaryan.

Dany turns her attention to Varys though, presses him about where his loyalties lie. She brings up about how him and his allies before traded her off to the Dothraki like a pawn. He goes on about how Robert wasn't a good king because he mostly didnt care and didnt want it. He wants a ruler who cares for the people who live in it and not for power and glory. Thats where is true loyalties lie and she can have him executed by Grey Worm or devoured by her Dragons but he wont pledge full loyalty because his loyalty is the streets (Varys gangsta as fuck apparently).

Everyone leaves except for Olenna who gives Dany an "old womans advice". Says Tyrion is a clever man but she has outlasted all the clever men because she doesnt listen to them. Calls most people sheep but says Dany isnt a sheep but a dragon. "So be a Dragon."

Dany is then told (I think Missendai, cant remember tbh) that Melisandre has arrived. They all go and meet her. Her and Dany speak in Dothraki mostly about the Red Priests in the east when Dany was fucking shit up. Melisandre tells her about the White Walkers although doesnt mention them specifically just says a big evil is coming. Melisandre eludes to the fact Dany could be the Prince that was Promised. Dany noting she is not a prince but a queen, Messendai mentions that in the original language the term is genderless and can mean either other. Melisandre says Prophecies are dangerous things. She also insists that Dany meet Jon Snow and have him tell her the things he has been through and seen. Tyrion stunned with the news that Jon is now king of the north and insists Dany meets with him as well and vouches for his character, saying he would make a great ally. Dany agrees tells Tyrion to send a raven to winterfell and tell Jon to come to Dragonstone and "Bend the knee."

We cut to a scene with Greyworm and Missandei who gets upset because Greyworm is going to war. This is all lovey dovey scene and where the nudity is. Nothing much to reveal here aside from them confessing their feelings, her seeing his ahem...lack of parts, and then he eats her out. Moving on.

Next scene is Winterfell, young men and boys training shooting arrows at targets. Sansa reads the letter sent by Tyrion and says its most likeyl a trap to Jon. Jon says read the last quote. "Dwarfs are bastards in the eyes of their fathers." Because of this Jon knows Tyrion is legit but still decides not safe to leave Winterfell.

Cersei at Kings Landing brings the loyal lords to the iron throne room and tells them of Dany's army and Dothraki and Unsullied and says they need to pledge allegience to her or lose there wives and childrens to rape and pillaging. They seem to agree but hesitantly. Sams father is the main guy here and he notes how people who don't agree or side with her end up deaded.

As they leave Jaime follows Sams dad and asks him if hed be his top general in the war to come. He eventually agrees. Jaime offers him a high position or a throne or something in exchange for his military expertise, cant remember the specifics on that.

We cut to Oldtown back with Sam. He is in Jorah's cell with his Master Maester as they analyze his condition. Sams Maester says hes too far gone, has about 10 years to live but about 6 months before he goes batshit. Out of respect of his knighthood he is allowed one more night to stay but then he will be sent to that old Targaryan city where all the greystone crazies chill. Next scene is Sam and Measter at the library and Sam tries to convince Maester of attempting to cure Mormont, citing an old Maester who managed to cure two people before. Maester says yeah that guy died of greyscale and the procedure is extremely dangerous hence why its banned.

At Winterfell Jon gets yet ANOTHER Raven, this is the one from Sam saying Dragonstone is confirmed a mine for Dragonglass. Now Jon is more or less like I got to go now otherwise we gonna die. So Jon has another meeting with all the Northern Houses and gives them the update. The Northerners clearly arent very happy with this news, even Lyanna disagrees and Sansa as per usual butts in saying its stupid.

Jon says its gonna be okay and its a risk worth taking and he is going to leave Sansa in control of Winterfell until his return. This throws her off and cuts to a shot of Littlefinger with that "Ouuuuu im gonna plot and scheme now kus im shifty" face.

This then cuts to the scene that was leaked earlier where Jon is in the basement chamber thing looking at the statue of his father. Littlefinger comes down and does his thing. Says he liked Ned and it was too bad what happened to him. Jon says he isnt suppose to be down here, Littlefinger claims ignorance apologizes and says he just wanted to chat since the two of them havent had that oppurtunity yet. Jon dismisses this wants no business in it. Littlefinger suggest a "Thank you" should be in order for saving him at the Battle of The Bastards. At this point Jons back is to Littlefinger. Littlefinger starts reminiscing about his love for Kat, and although he was bitter with Ned and her getting married he understood. But now he also loves Sansa like he loved Kat. He barely finishes that sentence until Jon grabs him by the throat and throws him against the wall. Tells him if he touches Sansa he will kill him. End of story end of scene.

The order of scenes here might be wrong because they are pretty quick and happen all over.

If I remember correctly the next scene is Sam sneaking into Mormonts cell at night and is there to attempt to cure Mormonts Greyscale. This is the best scene of the episode for sure. Really graphic and tense since Jorah has to be completely quiet while Sam literally cuts chunks of his skin off with a scapel. Lots of white puss and graphic imagery. Sam takes a scapel/needle thing and right when he is about to plunge it into Mormonts chest we cut to an image of a fork piercing a pie filled with a white paste of some sort, meant to look like the puss that came from mormonts wounds and this guy just full on scoops a mouthful. Yummy.

Theres a scene with Arya at the Inn. She sees that Pie guy or whatever. He offers her pie. She takes a bite mentions how good it is. He goes on about how to brown the crusts before cooking the whole thing or somehting like that and thats why its so good but no one cooks em like that because it takes too long. Arya says she didnt do that when she cooked them. He's confused but its an obvious nod to when she cooked the Freys and fed them to Walder. She is informed of Jon becoming the king of the north and decides to change her mind and head north. On her way there shes camping for the day in the woods and she notices her horse getting very nervous and upset. Next thing she knows shes surrounded by a pack of wolves. Then dun dun dunnn her Direwolf (if anyone can remember her name would appreciate) shows up, and she is...MASSIVE. Deffinitely the biggest direwolf hands down. Makes Ghost look like a little bitch. They have a moment and Arya tries to convince it to come with her to Winterfell, assuming it understands. The direwolf recognizes her but theres this kind of moment like we both are not the same people we use to be. Her direwolf leaves with the pack and Arya says something along the lines of "Thats not you anymore."

The final scene is the big boat battle between the greyjoys. Pretty epic pretty good. Two sandsnakes are killed by Euron, one strangled and hung from the front of the boat, the other has two swords shoved into her and shes propped up. Elleria gets captured along with I think is Tyene Sand. Eurons fleet wins and Theon is put in a fight or flight situation. Euron has Yara by the throat, eggs Theon to come save her. He pussies out and dives into the water. Leaving her behind. Sad.

Last scene is Tyrion floating in the water looking on at the fleet in flames as Eurons ship sails away in the distance.

Happy to be more specific on certain details just ask away and Ill try my best.

ghost of winterfell
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Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:52 am

It looks to be another good episode. The sea battle sounds awesome.

I liked the fact that Jon initially decides to stay put at WF, on receiving Tyrion's letter. It's only news about dragonglass that motivates him to leave. Hopefully all the people complaining about him abandoning the North to meet Dany will chill. His priority is still the North. I also liked the inclusion of that line "all dwarves are bastards in their fathers eyes" by Tyrion.

The scenes between Dany and her team seem well written. I particularly liked her talk with Varys, questioning his loyalty. Also lol at Melisandre being the first to tell her about Jon. Melisandre is now officially confused as to who is the prince that was promised lol.

I know I will close my eyes during the Jorah-Sam scene!

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Flayed Potatoes
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Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:33 am

ghost of winterfell wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:45 am
Yey you made it here πŸ˜€ So glad!

Melisandre seems confused as hell, but you know some people will go to town with this scene to prove that Jon doesn't matter. Honestly, Melisandre's flip flopping makes her sound ridiculous :lol:

Sam scenes will be so interesting. Hype!

Lords siding with Cersei makes sense. Glad they bring up all the pillaging and raping a Dothraki army can do.

I am glad to see Jon be cautious about the letter. Another leaker who confirmed what this guy said about ep 1 mentioned a LF/Royce scene and Jon saying goodbye to Ghost. Hopefully we will get those too.

Only things I don't like: Nymeria not joining Arya (D&D sure hate the direwolves), Theon being a coward (he was fine with rescuing Sansa last season, so this second instance feels like the writers are putting plot over character again), Littlefinger telling Jon he has the hots for Sansa (out of character). Is the show going to mention that Ellaria killed Myrcella though?

ghost of winterfell
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Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:03 am

Flayed Potatoes wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:33 am
ghost of winterfell wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:45 am
Yey you made it here πŸ˜€ So glad!

Melisandre seems confused as hell, but you know some people will go to town with this scene to prove that Jon doesn't matter. Honestly, Melisandre's flip flopping makes her sound ridiculous :lol:

I am glad to see Jon be cautious about the letter. Another leaker who confirmed what this guy said about ep 1 mentioned a LF/Royce scene and Jon saying goodbye to Ghost. Hopefully we will get those too.

Only things I don't like: Nymeria not joining Arya (D&D sure hate the direwolves), Theon being a coward (he was fine with rescuing Sansa last season, so this second instance feels like the writers are putting plot over character again), Littlefinger telling Jon he has the hots for Sansa (out of character). Is the show going to mention that Ellaria killed Myrcella though?
It took 4 days for my account to get approved!

Unfortunately on Reddit, it's the Jon fans who are taking Mel's words to mean that Dany is the definitive tptwp and are complaining about it :roll: The leaker seemed to imply that she says that Dany could be tptwp, which basically says Mel is as confused as ever. But yeah, i can't wait for people to take this as definitive proof lol.

Creepyfinger makes no sense to me whatsoever lmao. What did he hope to achieve by bringing up Cat/Sansa with Jon.

Theon's regression could make sense. His fear of Euron might bring back memories of Ramsay making him panic momentarily?

I hope the LF/Royce scene is legit. I would be out of my chair cheering lol.

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Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:22 am

Flayed Potatoes wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:33 am
ghost of winterfell wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:45 am
Poor Mel lol.She is so confused.I mean I get her one comes back from the dead and she sees him in flames,the other hatches dragons and we know she loves fires.Imagine when she learns Jon is a legit Targaryen prince lol.Even more confused.I don't think she is underselling Jon though.She does say to Varys in ep.3 she brought Ice and Fire together.Also interestingly she say TPTWP will bring the Dawn and Jon was born under dawn.They focused on that shot.Tbh I have always thought that is a combination of the two of them not just one saviour.

Theon makes sense to me cause he has PTSD.To me it's realistic.Not to mention seeing Euron probably reminds him too much of Ramsey.Nymeria might still appear in season 8 during the war.Who knows.Still it will be a nice scene for Arya.

LF could be hoping to provoke Jon.Still he has been telling people shit about him since season one lol.It's his M.O in the show.
Love that Tyrion has faith on Jon.Love that Arya changes course after hearing he is King.The council scenes with Dany and the allies look good.The Jorah and Sam parts look intense and the battle looks good.But I never fear for action scenes.I know they nail those.

I am confident we will see Ghost.Hope the LF-Royce scene is there.

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Flayed Potatoes
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Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:06 am

ghost of winterfell wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:03 am

It took 4 days for my account to get approved!

Unfortunately on Reddit, it's the Jon fans who are taking Mel's words to mean that Dany is the definitive tptwp and are complaining about it :roll: The leaker seemed to imply that she says that Dany could be tptwp, which basically says Mel is as confused as ever. But yeah, i can't wait for people to take this as definitive proof lol.

Creepyfinger makes no sense to me whatsoever lmao. What did he hope to achieve by bringing up Cat/Sansa with Jon.

Theon's regression could make sense. His fear of Euron might bring back memories of Ramsay making him panic momentarily?

I hope the LF/Royce scene is legit. I would be out of my chair cheering lol.
Mel is going to be shook if she ever finds out Jon's parentage. :lol:

Show is really dumbing down Littlefinger.

About Theon... Could be. But I feel like we've been here before with him.
JennyT wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:22 am
Flayed Potatoes wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:33 am
ghost of winterfell wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:45 am
Poor Mel lol.She is so confused.I mean I get her one comes back from the dead and she sees him in flames,the other hatches dragons and we know she loves fires.Imagine when she learns Jon is a legit Targaryen prince lol.Even more confused.I don't think she is underselling Jon though.She does say to Varys in ep.3 she brought Ice and Fire together.Also interestingly she say TPTWP will bring the Dawn and Jon was born under dawn.They focused on that shot.Tbh I have always thought that is a combination of the two of them not just one saviour.

Theon makes sense to me cause he has PTSD.To me it's realistic.Not to mention seeing Euron probably reminds him too much of Ramsey.Nymeria might still appear in season 8 during the war.Who knows.Still it will be a nice scene for Arya.

LF could be hoping to provoke Jon.Still he has been telling people shit about him since season one lol.It's his M.O in the show.
Love that Tyrion has faith on Jon.Love that Arya changes course after hearing he is King.The council scenes with Dany and the allies look good.The Jorah and Sam parts look intense and the battle looks good.But I never fear for action scenes.I know they nail those.

I am confident we will see Ghost.Hope the LF-Royce scene is there.
People were doubting Arya would drop her list when she hears about Jon. :lol: That bond is still strong!!!!

The thing about Ice and fire is that Jon is both. Poor Melly :lol: :lol:

Btw I am loving Olenna in these leaks.

ghost of winterfell
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Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:24 am

JennyT wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:22 am
Flayed Potatoes wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:33 am
ghost of winterfell wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:45 am
She does say to Varys in ep.3 she brought Ice and Fire together.Also interestingly she say TPTWP will bring the Dawn and
When did she say this? That tptwp will bring the dawn? Did I miss something?
Flayed Potatoes wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:06 am
ghost of winterfell wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:03 am

People were doubting Arya would drop her list when she hears about Jon. :lol: That bond is still strong!!!!

The thing about Ice and fire is that Jon is both. Poor Melly :lol: :lol:

I love, love that Arya decides to drop her list on hearing about Jon!

The thing is, it really doesn't make sense for Mel to call Jon "ice" when she thinks that he could be the champion of the Lord of Light. Ice is something they associate with the Great Other, so why call Jon "ice"?

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Flayed Potatoes
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Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:49 am

ghost of winterfell wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:24 am

The thing is, it really doesn't make sense for Mel to call Jon "ice" when she thinks that he could be the champion of the Lord of Light. Ice is something they associate with the Great Other, so why call Jon "ice"?
Melly is drunk :lol:

Maybe it's for romantic purposes/shipping or something silly like that. It is pretty silly to call Jon ice when he is fighting against it and it is obvious imo that: NK/whitewalkers/wights = ice and Dany/dragons = fire.

Or they are saving some special reveal for season 8? Seems premature to give everything away this soon in the story. The war hasn't exactly started.

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Sun Jul 16, 2017 8:17 am

ghost of winterfell wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:24 am
JennyT wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:22 am
[quote="Flayed Potatoes" post_id=724 time=1500197584 user_id=79
Flayed Potatoes wrote: ↑
Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:06 am
There is this person on freefolk who has been giving short details who I believe has seen the episodes.He gave a couple of details before this guy gave the in depth spoilers.It sounds legit to me.It's DragonglassBenjen.Check his comments history.

About Mel,yes Ice is the great other but ice are also the Starks.And she might have read what Rhaegar did about the song of ice and fire and come to that conclusions.I know that technically Jon is both because of his parents but the show might be going with Ice for his features and the same with Fire for Dany and the union is actually Ice and Fire.Who knows really.

ghost of winterfell
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Sun Jul 16, 2017 8:35 am

Oh ok thanks. I'll check it out.

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