Book to Show Quotes

Discussion of the first 5 books in George RR Martin's ASOIAF series
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Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:30 pm

Apologies in advance if this topic seems super obvious or elementary. Compared to some you ASOIAF scholars, I am only a novice.

I recently started reading the book series for the first time (after watching the show in it's entirety about a dozen times) and as a book virgin, I am quite surprised by how closely the writers stuck to the books (the first one anyways - I am still on A Game of Thrones) with respect to character dialogue.

One quote in particular had caught my attention in the most coincidental of ways. It was just last week, right after they had released the new full length trailer for Season 7. I had watched it about 10 times and Sansa's voice-over really stuck out to me. Literally 5 minutes later, while laying in bed and reading an Arya chapter before lights out, I read the same quote! It was Ned saying it to Arya during their conversation in her rooms in the Red Keep (when Ned finds out she has her sword Needle). He says:
“Let me tell you something about wolves, child. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives..."
I thought it was VERY coincidental for me to read this so shortly after hearing Sophie Turner's voice say it. I don't imagine something like that will ever happen again with the rest of my read-through, but it was a neat enough experience that I thought it worth sharing.

Does anyone else have any favourite quotes from the books that ended up being used in the TV series during a different point than when it was said in the books? Or maybe just a book quote that you were happy to have seen included in the show in general? Or perhaps even a book quote that you wish had been used in the show but wasn't?

Please share! I'd love to hear them :)

Tensor the Mage
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Sat Jul 01, 2017 12:42 pm

Does anyone else have any favourite quotes from the books that ended up being used in the TV series during a different point than when it was said in the books?

One of my favorites was from one of the first encounters readers had with Mance Rayder. I'd watched the show through Season 5, then started reading the books. Lo and behold, there is Mance singing "The Dornishman's Wife" north of the Wall, instead of Bronn singing it to Jaime Fookin' Lannister in Dorne!

Or perhaps even a book quote that you wish had been used in the show but wasn't?

One quote they could still use in the show comes from the exchange between Arya Stark and Jon Snow in the courtyard at Winterfell, where they are watching the Stark boys train at arms. Aria notes that while her (highborn) brothers will get both the Stark (coat of family) arms and the swords to defend their family and its crest, the Stark girls get the arms without the swords. Jon replies that bastards get the swords without the arms. It was another tender little moment between them, showing them bonding over how even persons born into the elite of Westeros can still be harmed by the arbitrary rules of their caste.

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Sun Jul 02, 2017 9:56 am

"Power is an illusion... a shadow on the wall."

And really that entire conversation between Varys and Tyrion with the riddle about power. It's a near direct adaptation IIRC and certain some other adapted, iconic scenes, was one that I felt was really effective and surpassed what I had imagined when reading (unlike OP I read the books way before the shows).

In a lot of ways this conversation sums up the game of thrones. Having a claim to the throne or the right name isn't everything... if the swordsman desires money or wants to be right with the gods you might still end up with a sword in the back.

Dame of Mercia
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Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:31 am

In book GoT when Jon and Tyrion have their "all bastards are dwarves to their fathers" and other things, Jon notices that when Tyrion leaves the place where they have been talking that for a moment the small man cast a tall shadow, or long shadow (sorry it's a while since I listened to the audio book) - the remark about a small man casting such a shadow was given to Varys in the show in one of his and Tyrion's conversations.

Dame of Mercia
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Mon Mar 26, 2018 7:25 am

In my earlier post I should have said 'when Jon and Tyrion have their talk about.......' which hopefully would make more sense than the sentence with those words omitted.

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