GoT Thoughts Ep 1 Series 7 Dragonstone

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Random Westerosi
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Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:19 am

As way of background I am a big fan of the books and read them all pretty much back to back. So I was in two minds as to whether to get involved with the TV series. One part of me wanted to remain a purist and stick with the written version in the hope that George would buck up his ideas and get the next instalment out. However, as series 6 came and went and the build up for series 7 began, I cracked.

So after ploughing through series 6 in time for the beginning of series 7 I waited in anticipation as to what would befall the survivors after Cersei went nuclear.

Without further ado here are my thoughts and ramblings along with a vague synopsis so please be warned there are SPOILERS for those who haven't watched these episodes yet.

GoT series 7 ep 1

Wow what an opening! That is certainly one way of getting rid of all the treacherous Freys in one fell swoop. My admiration of Ayra as a character stems from how she does one thing and one thing very well, all that teenage angst focused on just one purpose: to kill all those people on her hit list in ever more inventive and gruesome ways.

Jon is easy to root for in GoT, he is always the underdog that somehow manages to save the day and stays humble and generally just get on with it. This seems to resonate with all the good people of the North too, as they seem to be looked down upon by those Southerners. Jon tends to attract salt of the earth types who also endear themselves to the audience through rousing dialogue straight out of Braveheart, Lady Mormont is one of these types and can be relied upon to jump in and help Jon out whenever people disagree with him. However, let’s not forget, the last time Jon had a 10 year old helper he ended up being stabbed to death by him so I guess we'll need to keep an eye on this one too.

What do you make of Euron? I'm being a bit pedantic but does anyone else find his accent annoying? Everyone from the North has a Yorkshire accent, obviously, but I find Euron shifting from an Irish to an American accent and then something in between just odd. But anyway looks like he going to be the next mass killing psychopath now we've said goodbye to Ramsey Bolton.

From a promising start the episode descends into quite tedious filler sections that do very little to advance the plot. From them we learn Arya is heading south and looking to do some wetwork in King's Landing, and bumping into Ed Sheeren on the way, as you do. I find these celebrity cameos terrible by and large and this one was one of them. Sheeren is great working a crowd at a festival, so to see him mumbling a little ditty in front of a campfire is just naff.

The Hound is now hanging out with Lord Beric and friends. Seems like Clegane is getting soft in his old age or maybe it was the time he spent in the hippie commune in the last series that's changing him from his drunken homicidal killing machine days.

Whilst in Oldtown, Sam is busy beavering away trying to find ways for Jon to defeat the white walkers whilst going about his day job as a cleaner.

To finish we are presented with a rather poignant sequence of Daenerys returning home to Dragonstone. The castle is very impressive and one does think that it was jolly nice of Stannis just to abandon for Daenerys to just waltz in.

Overall the feeling you get is that this is the calm before the storm and things are about to get messy from here. What can Cersei do to stay on the Iron Throne and improve on her already impressive resume.

Well there's my two cents (it is an American show after all) on the first episode of series 7. Love to get comments from everyone out there.

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