Brans mission, Who kills the Night King and how it ends

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Sun Aug 06, 2017 3:13 pm

Hi everybody, Im new here and wanted to share some of my toughts.

I was watching the episode Oathbreaker and the scene with Tower of Joy. Then The Three Eyed Raven told something that really got stuck. " The past has been written, the inc is dry! ". What if thats true? Than everything I have believed about Brans mission is false. Many people around the forums think Bran is God that controles everything and some think he is the Night King. No, I dont believe that. We know that he has magical powers, but not as great as many thinks. Let me explain.


In The first Tower of Joy scene Bran shouts out " Father! " and the brave young Ned turns around and then Bran says to the Three Eyed Raven " He heard me! "
Our old friend Max Von Sydow as The Three Eyed Raven says " Maybe, maybe it was the wind. ". Maybe it was the wind? Ned never heard Bran. It looks like it, but Ned never did.
When he then wargs himself into Hodor In the amazing episode The Door in a back to the future trip it looks like Hodor sees Bran ( just before he collapse ), But did he really se Bran? maybe he was looking at something else behind Bran? Just like in the flashback when we see the Stark children Lyanna, Ned och Benjin.
So when he is in his timetravels he cant be seen and he cant be heard. Except for a very dangerous fella ( Who also has great magical powers ). The Night King. In the Episode The Door, when Bran screws up, he finds out that " Ey, Im not inviscible to everyone "

But it is just like The Three Eyed Raven says to Bran. " The past has been written, the inc is dry! "
The Three Eyed Raven doesnt have power to change the past. He can only observe everything thats happened and whats happening now and learn in his timetravels.

Its the old Three Eyed Raven ( was another actor first ) who said " I Have been many things, I am what you see, Im gonna give you back what you have lost. " which indicates that they gonna be the same person =), not that Bran will be able to walk again. Then The Three Eyed Raven says loud and clear in the episode The Door. " Its time for you to become me! " and then just before The Night King kills him he teach Bran his final and most important lesson. He show Bran his grandfather who says to young Ned " Remember that you are a Stark. Comport yourself with dignity at the Vale. And try to stay out of fights, but if you have to fight. Win! "

Max Von S character has had the mission as the Three Eyed Raven and helped the good in this world as well as he could before the long night with his magical powers. One example of this is before The Door episode. Do you remenber the scene when Sam the Slayer kills a White Walker? Just before, a whole army of crows swings by and make hell of a noise when they sits in the tree. Thats The Three Eyed Raven who warns Samwell that danger is coming. And we know that Brandon Stark was an amazing Warg before he became The Three Eyed Raven. Does the older Three Eyed Raven have something to do with the wolves saving the day over and over again? Maybe so.

But Brandon Starks real mission in this soon very cold world is to keep track and learn whats happended and whats happening now until the next long night. Yes the one long night that gonna come again in thousands of years. He says it to Sansa in the last episode. " When the long night comes again, I have to be ready. ". He must learn " Everything ". Beacuse evil will rise again. Then he needs to tell his story to the next chosen Stark boy who will become The Three Eyed Raven. He got everything he needs right now, for this war. Atfer he has picked apart and learned the magic, I think our friend has an ace or two up his sleeve.

How come that Bran has this magical power? How can The Red Woman resurrect Jon Snow ? How can the Night King resurrect the Dead? Who whispers in the fire? Is it the Devil himself?
I dont know, maybe we will never know. I say like Brother Ray says to Sandor Clegane. " I dont know much about the Gods. I dont even know their real names. Maybe it is the Seven, or maybe it is the Old Gods, or maybe it is the Looord of Light. Or Maybe they are all the same fuckin thing. "

Ive got a theory about The White Walkers. I just think they are a horrible mistake. The Children Of The Forest says so to Bran. They created the White Walkers to protect themselfs from Men. But it went wrong, they created pure evil. You can relate that to our worlds history. Smart scientists who works in a lab for peace and freedom, and then they create the Atomicbomb.

Who kills The Night King?
I only got one name on my mind. Arya!
She can have green, brown, grey AND clear blue eyes. Right? Right! She now got 2 names on hear deathlist that she wanna kill with all her heart. But Jamie will take her sisters life and and hopufully hopefully is Sandor Clegane gonna take care of The Mountain ( Cleganebowl! ). So now what? What is she gonna do with all her great magical powers? Changing faces and everything. Weeell beacuse there is gonna be two new names on the list, first out Littlefinger. The Three Eyed Raven is gonna tell that Lord Baelish was behind their Fathers prisoning and the sisters gonna get revenge when they together murder Littlefinger. The boy Brandon Stark who now lives in The Three Eyed Raven gets revenge for his father too. The North remebers!
Then Arya gets her most terrifying and powerful enemy on the list. Thats right. The Night King! She is gonna pretend to be a dead girl, sneak up behind The Night King and stick her Valyrean Steel Dagger right trough his icecold heart. The same weapon that the assasin had when he try to murder Bran when he was in a coma. The same weapon that Littlefinger now has. The Night King wont know whats coming!

Then a crazy but fun theory, that my brother helped me with with how it all ends.

Second the last scene
Samwell Targaryan sits on the Iron Throne. ( Maybe his Mother was killed in birth just like his fellow Targaryan. And then Mother Tarly adopt baby Sam? ) The Three Eyed Raven knows / will know.. again.
Jon Snow is gonna bend the knee before King Samwell and raise again as Jon Stark, Lord Of Winterfell! He is gonna marry Meera and rule the north.
Daenerys is gonna rule in her Pyramid like a Khaleesi. And then Ser Jorah is finally gonna get his true love. Dany didnt feel shit when she dumped Dario. Thats beacuse she is in love with Jorah Mormont.
Everything is perfect... we think.

Last Scene
Crasters last son, the 100th, Sam Jr becomes the New Night King ( Craster always said " Im a Godly Man! ) and evil magic survives. The Three Eyed Raven must start to prepare for the next long night. He must learn everything!

The End

Maybe some of them will be true, maybe none haha.
Thanks for reading

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