If GoT was shot in the late 1960s early 70s - for fun

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Dame of Mercia
Posts: 119
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Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:57 am

As I posted on a thread in the main website today I broke my dominant arm before Xmas so even though there are loads of household chores to do I haven't been able to manage them so have had time on my hands [well I tried some left-handed dusting but I wasn't very good at it. Anyway, here are my thoughts for 4 potential Cerseis from circa 50 years [or a little less] ago.

1) Nyree Dawn Porter [from New Zealand] here in a clip from the 1967 Forsyte Saga


2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diane_Cilento The late Diane Cilento (Australian) who was once married to Sean Connery.

3) Julie Christie (British)

and Genevieve Casile (French) - Isabelle in the 1960s kids' series The Flashing Blade. Sadly I can't find the original dubbed version only the 1980s parody (I think by Russell T Davies)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgHjirfqZeo
and she was another Isabelle (Philippe le Bel's daughter in the 1970s Accursed Kings.

Editing in August 2018: autocorrect can be a nuisance sometimes. When I typed the plural of Cersei autocorrect changed it to Curses (as mentioned in my post below) - I have just realised that it is possible to edit comments on the forums even if not on threads on the main site.
Last edited by Dame of Mercia on Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Dame of Mercia
Posts: 119
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Sat Jan 13, 2018 9:34 am

Curses! I should have said 4 Cerseis! Though maybe Cersei does sometimes tempt one to curse.

Dame of Mercia
Posts: 119
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Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:35 am

This is actually from the 1950s but French-English actress, Yvonne Furneaux might have made a suitable (if slightly older than book) Ashara Dayne had the character been cast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9nHdaCVLtA
She's at about 1:23 in the foregoing clip from the 1959 version of "The Mummy" with Christopher Lee in the title role and Peter Cushing as the scientist.

Dame of Mercia
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Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:00 pm

Thinking about some red-headed actresses who might have been suitable as Caitlyn - though they might be a tad young (by their 1960s/70s ages) - not a natural redhead apparently (thus says Wikipedia) but Ann-Margret Olsson (usually just known as Ann-Margret) but I include her for your consideration https://youtu.be/qiJ7uQfogKA

My second suggestion is an Austrian, Senta Berger (like Ann-Margret born in 1941). I think Ms Berger's hair was naturally red when she was younger. She did act in English speaking films but I can't find any clips of her speaking English on YouTube at present so the best I can link is a list of stills https://youtu.be/zOiyycbfIV8

Again I can only find stills but Austrian-born - the late Romy Schneider (Wikipedia says she had German and French citizenship). https://youtu.be/tSKnh3lg4x0

and British (like the late Ms Schneider born towards the end of the 1930s) Samantha Eggar (Wikipedia says her Dad's side was British but she was of Dutch and Portuguese extraction on her mother's side). Here a clip from Dr Doolittle. https://youtu.be/R4oa83eCUCI

While I'm on about redheads what about a young Jane Asher for Ygritte https://youtu.be/fsd74jnZHcQ

I can't think of a redheaded actress who would (then) have been young enough to play Sansa but I will report back if I think of one.

Dame of Mercia
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Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:52 pm

Perhaps a young Jenny Agutter (more recently played Sr Julienne in Call the Midwife) might suit Sansa. She'd have had to colour her hair or go "wiggy" though. Young Jenny Agutter is the one who asks the question about incest. https://youtu.be/ngTQ_C7cxyE I can't think of an Arya at the moment (of course it's all academic as ASOIAF/GoT did not then exist). Sorry about the stills and robot voice but perhaps a young Pamela Franklin (who seems to have retired from acting circa the early 1980s) for Lyanna https://youtu.be/HtmvhsqWxds

Dame of Mercia
Posts: 119
Joined: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:43 am

Thu Nov 15, 2018 7:13 pm

Well this is from 1958 so a bit earlier than the date specified but Willoughby Goddard (Landsberger Gessler from William Tell (the British commercial TV series from the 1950s) as Lord Manderley (at about 10 mins in - though they'd probably have had to bewhisker him) https://youtu.be/Bw6iQm-nBho

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